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Can I Upgrade Straight from Umbraco 8 to 13?

July 8, 2024
Earle Skinner

Can I Upgrade Straight from Umbraco 8 to 13?

So, you’re sitting there, staring at your trusty Umbraco 8 project, and wondering if you can jump straight to the shiny new Umbraco 13. I’ve been there, and trust me: it’s a bit of a rollercoaster. Let’s dive into whether you can make this leap and how to do it without losing your mind.

What’s the Deal with Umbraco Versions?

First off, let’s get our heads around how Umbraco versions work. You’ve got:

·        Major Versions: These are the game-changers. They bring new features and sometimes break stuff.

·        Minor Versions: New features and improvements but nothing that should break your existing setup.

·        Patch Versions: Just fixing bugs and tightening security.

The biggest obstacle here is that Umbraco 9moved to .NET 5/6 from the old .NET Framework used in Umbraco 8. This isn’t just a minor facelift—it’s a complete makeover, inside and out.

Can You Jump Straight from 8 to 13?

Short answer: No, you can’t. But it’s doable with a couple of hops.

Upgrading from Umbraco 8 to 9 is the crucial step where you move to .NET 5/6. Upgrading from Umbraco 9 to 13 is a lot smoother since Umbraco 13 is just a step up

How to Tackle the Upgrade

Step 1: Get Your Umbraco 8 House in Order

1.     Backup Everything: First things first, back up your project and database. You don’t want any surprises.

2.     Update Packages: Make sure all your third-party packages are up to date with the latest Umbraco 8 version.

3.     Clean Up: Ditch any old, unused code and packages. Less baggage makes for a smoother ride.


Step 2: Move to Umbraco 9

1.     Migrate to .NET 5/6: This is the big one. You’ll need to convert your project files and dependencies from.NET Framework to .NET 5/6.

2.     Upgrade Umbraco: Follow Umbraco’s official docs to upgrade your project to version 9. This involves updating NuGet packages and tweaking your code.

3.     Test, Test, Test: Run through your site with a fine-toothed comb. Make sure everything works.

Step 3: Jump to Umbraco 13

1.     Check Compatibility: Ensure your project and third-party packages are good to go with Umbraco 13.

2.     Upgrade Umbraco: Again, follow the official upgrade steps  to get to Umbraco 13.

3.     Final Testing: Test your site thoroughly. Make sure all features, packages, and custom code work without a hitch.

Tips for a Smooth Ride

1.     Umbraco’s documentation is your best friend. It’s detailed and will save you a lot of headaches.

2.     Never directly upgrade on your live site. Use a staging environment to catch any issues.

3.     Test after each step. It’s easier to fix issues as they come up rather than trying to untangle a mess later.

4.     The Umbraco community is awesome. If you hit a snag, someone’s probably already figured it out.

Common Hiccups and How to Handle Them

1.     Dependency Hell: Make sure all your dependencies, especially third-party packages, are compatible with the new version.

2.     Custom Code Tweaks: You might need to update your custom code to work with the new Umbraco version.

3.     Database Migrations: Be careful with database changes. Make sure your migrations run smoothly and test your data.

Wrapping It Up

So, can you upgrade straight from Umbraco 8 to 13? Not directly. But with a little patience and a few extra steps, you can get there. Breaking it down into manageable steps and testing thoroughly will help you avoid a lot of headaches.

Upgrading isn’t just about new features. It’s about keeping your site secure and performing at its best. Plus, who doesn’t love working with the latest and greatest tools? Happy upgrading and may your Umbraco journey be smooth and rewarding!

 Need some more help? The FreshConstruct team are experts at Umbraco upgrade troubleshooting and we'd be happy to take a look - just book a call with us and we'll get in touch within 24 hours.


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